What is the best pain relief I can without a prescription in Australia?

What is the best pain relief I can without a prescription in Australia?
What is the best pain relief I can without a prescription in Australia? I’m suffering some pain but I don’t think it’s worth going to the doctors for, but Panadol is not working – is there anything significantly stronger I can order without a prescription?

Best answer:

Answer by neuve1
Why don’t you ask your local pharmacist – they will know.

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What is the best migraine medication you have tried, and why is it the best?

What is the best migraine medication you have tried, and why is it the best?
I’ve had migraines off and on for years, due to a car accident. The last 2 years, the migraines have cropped up more often and my doctor will prescribe a migraine med for me to have on hand. The problem is, she says that they are all very similar.

So, the question for yahoo users is, in your personal migraine experiences, what prescription migraine medication worked best, and were there side effects, etc?


Best answer:

Answer by IndyMom
I have had migraines for 30 years. None are the best. The question is in finding the best one for you. You are the only one who can determine that. Ask the Doc. to prescribe the migraine abortive medications one at a time until you find the one that works best for you.

I personally use Imitrex. I have also tried Maxalt, Zomig and all of the others that I don’t remember the names of. Imitrex has been the best for me.

The key with any of these is to take them immediately, as soon as you realize that the pain is coming or expect that it is heading to migraine level. If you wait until you have a full blown migraine, no medication will work.

Keep a daily headache diary when you try the new meds. At the end of a few days, or weeks depending on how often you get them, you will have the details for the Doctor. Help them to help you.

Best of luck.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!