Ocular Migraine Headaches

Ocular migraines are migraines that cause visual disturbances, and may or may not be accompanied by pain. The symptoms can be very frightening, and can include temporary vision loss, but your vision will return to normal. Ocular migraine symptoms can last anywhere from five minutes to half an hour. even though you experience the symptoms of an ocular migraine, you should see your ophthalmologist to rule out other conditions which may threaten your vision.


How Ocular Migraine Headaches Work

Migraines occur when a blood vessel in the brain spasms. An ocular migraine occurs when that spasm affects the blood flow, and therefore oxygen flow, to the visual processing center in the brain. Headaches may occur before, during, or after ocular migraines, or not at all.


Ocular Migraine Headache Visual Symptoms

Visual symptoms may appear in one or both eyes. Symptoms of ocular migraines typically last anywhere from five to thirty minutes. Visual disturbances you may experience during an ocular migraine include:

Zigzagging lines of light
Shimmering light
Bright spot or streak of light
Flashing lights
Generalized bright light
Colored lights
A spot or spots in your vision
Tunnel vision
Blind spot
Loss of peripheral vision
Blurred central vision
Total loss of vision


Ocular Migraine Headache Physical Symptoms

Some people experience physical symptoms in addition to visual disturbances. Often these symptoms come after the visual disturbances. They can include:



Ocular Migraine Headache Triggers

Nitrates and nitrites – found in processed meats, some wines, and some drinking water
Monosodium glutamate (MSG)
Fluorescent lighting, including the popular compact fluorescent bulbs
Bright sunlight
Strong odors
Excessive heat
Hormonal changes
Birth control drugs
Changes in barometric pressure


What to Do if You Have Ocular Migraine Headache Symptoms

Ocular migraines will not permanently rob you of your vision, but they can be dangerous if they happen during situations like driving. The symptoms of ocular migraines can be very similar to the symptoms of other problems, including retinal tear or retinal detachment. They can also mimic the signs of stroke. even though you have never had a migraine or ocular migraine before, you should talk to your ophthalmologist or see a doctor right away to rule out something more serious.

Treatment is primarily prevention. Learning your personal triggers and avoiding them is the best way to stop ocular migraines. prescriptions are sometimes prescribed for migraines, but they are rarely effective. Many people have successfully beaten migraines with a combination of biofeedback and avoiding their triggers.

Ocular Migraine Headaches

Ocular Migraine Headache ordinarily should not be cause for too much concern, however ocular migraine symptoms can sometimes impede your everyday activities that you take for granted such as Driving and Reading. Suffers of ocular migraines may experience migraine aura or optical migraine, these issues can occur without All kinds of Headache and can be common to suffers, symptoms can include

Visual blind spots
Seeing stars or spots
Random flashes of light
Seeing zigzag patterns

The exact cause of ocular migraines is not clear, however for some people it relates to different types of food they eat that they might have allergies to such nuts, chocolate and shellfish, as well as foods containing some artificial sweeteners. People also experience ocular migraine episodes when consuming produce containing traces of caffeine and alcohol. In the past it has been thought that tension and fatigue were linked to ocular migraines but a consistent link has not yet been found by medical researchers. Even though the exact cause of ocular migraine is unknown, some evidence does however suggest the involvement of blood vessels in the sufferers head. This can happen at certain periods of the day from morning to noon, for for some people this can be experienced all day, spreading pain from one side of the head to larger areas.

Ocular migraines can be described as irregular in that the length of times between episodes can very from days to months and even years. even though you find your condition worsening, persisting or find you start getting All kinds of Headache during episodes you should consult your doctor to explore suitable treatment.