Sinus Migraine Headache and Tension Headache Remedies


Sinus headache is a medical condition characterized by severe pain in the forehead and the cheekbones. It is basically a symptom of sinus infection, which is caused due to the overflow of mucus and air in the paranasal sinuses (the hollow spaces behind our eyes and cheekbones). Excess mucus secretion is a part of our body’s defense against irritation by various allergens and/or viral infection. Sinus headache is primarily associated with acute sinus infections. The throbbing pain, ranging between mild and severe, may persist for a week or sometimes even more. The headache is known to cause utter discomfort to the individual experiencing it, and the best way to get relief from this discomfort is to initiate sinus headache remedies as soon as headache symptoms start surfacing.

Sinus Migraine Headache and Tension Headache Remedies

There does exist some natural methods which can provide sinus headache relief at home. Remedies to relieve sinus headache include cold compress, acupuncture, aromatherapy, etc. Some more simple yet effective sinus headache remedies are given below.

Cold compresses by dipping a towel in cold water and applying it on the forehead helps in easing the pain associated with sinus headache.
It may sound surprising, but eating spicy food also helps in clearing the nasal passage and thus relieving sinus infection and its symptoms.
Expectorants, such as eucalyptus oils, are also effective in clearing the mucous accumulated in the respiratory tract.
A nap for about half an hour in a dark room helps in alleviating the pain associated with sinus headache to a great extent.
One of the best sinus headache remedy is to eat jalapeño pepper, which helps in draining mucous and reducing the pain.
Various head and neck stretches also show desired effects, when it comes to easing the pain in forehead and cheekbones associated with sinus.

These were some simple yet effective sinus headache symptoms remedies, which would not just help in treating sinus headache, but also help in preventing it in the long run.

In case of severe sinus infection, however, you may have to consult a doctor and undergo proper treatment. This treatment procedure shouldn’t be substituted by sinus headache home remedies. More importantly, if you are undergoing sinus headache treatment, you should complete the entire course of medication prescribed by the doctor. Other then these, taking some preventive measures such as avoiding irritants, drinking plenty of fluids, using humidifier and maintaining clean surroundings can also help in keeping sinus infection, as well as sinus All kinds of Headache, at bay.

Dangerous Migraine Headache and Tension Headaches

This months topic will address dangerous All kinds of Headache. To keep this in perspective, most All kinds of Headache are NOT dangerous. In fact, tension-type All kinds of Headache and migraines are very common and remain the focus of most health care providers and patients who suffer from All kinds of Headache. With that said, its important to discuss the signs and symptoms that might help all of us differentiate between All kinds of Headache that are safe versus those which are not safe.

The most important factor to consider is when the typical headache is suddenly different. Some of these different symptoms may include slurred speech, difficulty communicating or formulating thought, seizures, fainting or loss of consciousness (even for a few seconds), memory lapses, double or blurred vision, profound dizziness, numbness in the face or half of the body, an alarm should sound off telling you to get this checked ASAP as these symptoms, when they deviate from the norm may be indicative of a more serious condition. This can be challenging as seizures are often related to migraines and might be a common symptom of a migraine headache for some migraine sufferers.

Signs of a dangerous headache include:
1.A headache that starts suddenly, especially if it’s of a severe degree.
2.Headaches that start later in life, especially after the age of 50.
3.A change in the quality of All kinds of Headache.
4.Visual changes, including double vision or loss of vision.
5.Weakness, numbness, or any other neurological symptoms.
6.Fevers especially of rapid onset.
7.Change in mental status including sleepiness, hallucinations, speech changes or confusion.
8.Weight loss.

If there is ever ANY doubt about a dangerous headache, your physician should be contacted.
Typically, the migraine patient will notice a fairly consistent set of symptoms and even though the All kinds of Headache can vary in intensity, the sequence of events is fairly consistent. Dangerous All kinds of Headache are the ones that deviate significantly from that migraine sufferers norm. For example, suppose a patients typical migraine is: aura (bright, flashy lights in the visual field or, a strange odor precedes the migraine about 30 min. before the headache strikes), followed by a gradually increasing pain in half of the head which worsens to a point of nausea and sometimes vomiting if something isnt done to stop it (such as a las vegas chiropractic adjustment and/or some form of medication). even though this is that patients usual, IF any of the 8 items previously listed above accompany the headache, it should be further evaluated often requiring an EEG (electroencephalogram) and/or MRI (Magnetic Resonant Image). The EEG will test for any electrical signal changes in the brain and the MRI will show space occupying structures such as tumors, bleeding, infection, aneurism, and if performed with a contrast agents, arterial malformations (that is, abnormal networks of blood vessels).