What can i do to relieve my migraine headaches ?

What can i do to relieve my migraine headaches ?
My migraine headaches hurts so bad, my medications i took are not helping at all. Is there anything i could do to relieve my migraine headaches.

Best answer:

Answer by stevepitt2
Avoid migraine triggers –

Migraine attacks may be triggered by:

Allergic reactions
Bright lights, loud noises, and certain odors or perfumes
Physical or emotional stress
Changes in sleep patterns
Smoking or exposure to smoke
Skipping meals
Menstrual cycle fluctuations, birth control pills, hormone fluctuations during the menopause transition
Tension headaches
Foods containing tyramine (red wine, aged cheese, smoked fish, chicken livers, figs, and some beans), monosodium glutamate (MSG) or nitrates (like bacon, hot dogs, and salami)
Other foods such as chocolate, nuts, peanut butter, avocado, banana, citrus, onions, dairy products, and fermented or pickled foods.
– MedlinePlus medical encyclopedia

For more information, please look at Headache

One thought on “What can i do to relieve my migraine headaches ?”

  1. Migraine headaches can be the worst if not addressed immedeatly. Here are a couple of helpful hints, that I hope you find useful: 1) Immedeatly focus on relaxing… running the thoughts of stress or fear in your brain will not assist in this, the easiest way is 3 deep breaths, each one a little deeper than before, we also don’t want you to pass out! 2) close your eyes and start to visualize! Imagine you have a small camera inside of your own head and begin to inspect that area that is causing you the most amount of discomfort, what shape is it, what colour do you see, is it smooth or jagged along the edges, and as you notice the particulars of this discomfort, then start to take a look at a part of your head/ brain that feels perfectly fine. Migraines very rarely effect or occupy the entire head so there is usually a part if the head/brain that does feel “normal” as you notice the same qualities about that part of your head you can now begin to become creative in making the “two area” the same… preferabbly the area of discomfort the same as the part that feels normal!

    Be Well


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